Selected Cases

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The best way to get a sense of a law firm is to review its past and present cases. Please find below brief summaries of some examples of cases that we have represented.

The European Court of Human Rights hears our client's medicinal cannabis case

On 20 November 2017, the Swedish Supreme Court
ruled against Andreas Thörn in the criminal case concerning the cultivation and usage of medicinal cannabis in Sweden.

Following the Supreme Court's decision, our firm took Andreas Thörn's case before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. We submitted, inter alia, that the respondent government has failed to strike a fair balance between its mandate to combat illegal drug trade on the one hand and our client's right to live his life without pain on the other. The Swedish government submitted its official observation to the European Court of Human Rights on 9 February 2021.

Case reference
Thörn v Sweden
, case no. 24547/18

Last update
14 February 2022

The European Court of Human Rights stops our client's deportatio

Our client, a 10-year-old boy with life-threatening health conditions, came to Sweden from the Philippines with his father when he was 5 years old. The father decided to divorce his Swedish partner as they were subjected to physical violence at home.

Despite our client being able to escape the domestic violence, the Swedish Migration Agency decided to deport our client and his father as they no longer had any connection to Sweden. The Migration Court and the Migration Court of Appeal upheld the Swedish Migration Agency's decision to deport the family to the Philippines.

We filed a request for urgent measures before the European Court of Human Rights as a last-resort attempt to stop the deportation. On 28 August 2020, the European Court issued an interim measures decision asking the Swedish government to finally stop our client's deportation.

Case reference
Nunez v Sweden, case no. 34474/20

News articles
ETC Nyheter:
Falu Kuriren (2020-09-03):
Nyaludvikatidning (2021-12-17):

Last update
8 March 2022

We represent our client in their discrimination claim before the European Court of Human Rights in relation to his family reunification process

Prior to the introduction of Act (2019:481) on The Extension of Temporary Limitations to Acquire a Residence Permit in Sweden, people with subsidiary protection did not have the unconditional right to sponsor their family members to reunite with them in Sweden. Notwithstanding this limitation, a right to family reunification is nonetheless accorded to a group of individuals who have received refugee status in Sweden.

Our firm alleges that the differential treatment between the two groups of people constitutes a violation of the European Convention. The case was subsequently communicated by the European Court of Human Rights to the Swedish government for an official reply on 1 December 2021.

Case reference
Mohammad v Sweden
, case no. 12805/19

Last update
4 February 2022

The Swedish Migration Agency stops our client's deportation to Malaysia

Our clients, a Malaysian family, previously received a deportation order from the Swedish Migration Agency following unsuccessful asylum applications. Despite the decision having legal force, we contended that there was a compelling reason for the children to remain in Sweden. Our argument was based on a reasonable assumption that their children would likely face discrimination in Malaysia due to their parents being in an interfaith relationship.

We substantiated our claim by presenting previous domestic case laws that demonstrated a systematic restriction of family rights for interfaith couples, as well as the difficulties children face in acquiring citizenship if their parents are interfaith couples.

In January 2024, after 2 years of legal battles and with the support of Amnesty International, we successfully obtained residence permits for the entire family under ch. 12 s. 18 of the Aliens Act (2005:716), through the so-called VUT process.

Last update
1 February 2024

The Swedish Migration Agency stops our client's deportation to Cameroon

Our client's work permit application extension was rejected because the Swedish Migration Agency accused him of engaging in sham employment for the purpose of acquiring a permit in Sweden. As evidence, the Swedish Migration Agency presented information showing that he had several unexplained transactions in his bank account, alleging that he had transferred the money back to his employer.

We denied the allegation and took the case to court. As counsel, we collected first-hand witness testimonies and explained that the money was part of an African traditional community-based financial practice called "Njangi," where community members come together to assist a member who is in the greatest need. Our client's transactions were simply proof that he had been contributing to the Njangi practice.

In June 2024, the court ruled in our client's favor, annulled his deportation, and granted him a work permit.

Last update
8 July 2024

The Swedish Migration Agency stops our client's deportation to Nigeria

Our client received a deportation decision to Nigeria following a failed asylum application. The decision had gained legal force before our intervention. On his behalf, we argued that his deportation was not reasonable, considering that separation is not in the best interest of his young child due to her age, as well as the lengthy family reunification processing time from Nigeria. This family connection should be deemed to constitute an extraordinary ground to stop the deportation within the meaning of ch. 12 s. 18 of the Aliens Act (2005:716).

The enforcement of our client's deportation was subsequently stopped, and a residence permit was granted under ch. 12 s. 18 of the Aliens Act (2005:716).

Last update
11 March 2022

Our firm files a complaint before the UN Committee Against Torture

Our client fled to Sweden from Afghanistan due to his atheism and activism in state secularism. Our client is a staunch critic of religious patriarchy in his home country and has previously shared a cartoon of a religious prophet which is a hudud crime punishable by death in Afghanistan.

Notwithstanding, the Migration Court and the Migration Court of Appeal upheld the Swedish Migration Agency's decision to deport our client to Afghanistan. The authorities argue, inter alia, that our client could and should live as a closeted atheist in Afghanistan in order to avoid the death penalty. We did not share the Swedish authorities' views and filed a complaint before the United Nations.

The UN Committee Against Torture subsequently communicated the case to the Swedish government for an official reply on 23 June 2020. The Swedish government challenged our complaint and submitted its counter-observation to the United Nations on 15 March 2021.

Case reference
S.B.M v Sweden
, complaint no. 1011/2020

Last update
5 September 2022

Our firm challenges the asset forfeiture claim by the Swedish Tax Agency and Sergel Finans AB

We represented a client whose property was seized by the Swedish Enforcement Authority (Kronofogdemyndigheten) to pay for his family member's debts claimed by the Swedish Tax Agency and Sergel Finans AB.

On behalf of the client, we initiated legal action at the Vänersborg District Court to challenge the seizure and reclaim our client's property that had been unlawfully distrained by the Swedish Enforcement Authority. The court subsequently ruled in our favor, holding that the Swedish Enforcement Authority had no right to seize the property in question. Consequently, the property was returned to our client.

Last update
11 March 2022

We file a request for priority for our client's application for Swedish citizenship

Our client, who is an American citizen, works as an international flight attendant and is stationed at the Heathrow airport in London.

Due to Brexit, our client would no longer be able to travel from Sweden to the UK to perform his job duties. At the material time, the processing time for Swedish citizenship was 38 months and this greatly affected his work condition. We petitioned for priority on behalf of our client. Priority was granted and our client acquired his Swedish citizenship 3 weeks later.

Last update
7 November 2019

Our firm challenges the Swedish Migration Agency's assessment

Our client was accused of being a member of a paramilitary organisation that has committed genocide and crime against humanity in Sri Lanka. Pursuant to Swedish government decision in Ju2003/262/IM (2004) a person who has been active in a terror organisation or in a military organisation that has committed a crime against humanity must wait a probationary period of a minimum of 25 years before that person can become a Swedish citizen.

We defended our client and submitted, inter alia, that he had concurrent professional contacts with both the paramilitary and the opposing armed force which proved beyond reasonable doubt that our client had neither special nor political connection to the paramilitary organisation. The Swedish Migration Agency ultimately granted our client Swedish citizenship.

Last update
16 November 2021

Our firm challenges the Swedish Migration Agency's decision to reject our client's citizenship application

Our firm filed an appeal on 26 July 2020 against the Swedish Migration Agency’s decision to deny our client's application under § 11 of the Citizenship Act (2001:82).

The Swedish Migration Agency alleged that our client has been active with an organisation that committed crimes against humanity. Conversely, our client had an active role in a deradicalization programme sponsored by a leading political group in Palestine. In light of this, our firm appealed to the court challenging the Swedish Migration Agency's assessment that our client was active in an organisation that committed crimes against humanity. We asked the court to either vacate the decision and grant our client Swedish citizenship.

Last update
8 July 2020

Swedish citizenship granted under special reason

Our firm filed an application for citizenship for an individual who, at the time of the filing, was living in the UK and had never lived permanently in Sweden.

Given that our client neither resided in Sweden nor had any valid residence permit, we invoked s. 12 of the Citizenship Act (2001:82). We argued that her citizenship application should be approved despite her lack of a permit to live in Sweden, due to special reasons (särskilda skäl) such as, inter alia, her husband works for a large Swedish multinational company in the UK, and she has adapted to Swedish ways of life in other ways despite never having lived permanently in Sweden. The Swedish Migration Agency ultimately agrees with our argument and grants our client Swedish citizenship in 2022.

Last update
25 November 2022

Our firm files a complaint against the Swedish Migration Agency involving administrative misconduct

We represented three children whose original notifications for Swedish citizenship have been misplaced by the Swedish Migration Agency. The misconduct caused a significant delay in the processing time and the parents of the children appointed us as their lawyers to intervene. The missing documents were never found, but the children were granted citizenship several weeks after our intervention.

Last update
24 March 2020

Our firm files infringement proceedings before EU commission and Chancellor of Justice for our client whose personal data was amended without his consent

We represented a client whose Swedish personal number (personnummer) was changed by the Swedish Tax Agency without his explicit consent. As a result, our client suffered pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages. Our firm was appointed to file a damage claim against the state in the Chancellor of Justice.

We also represented the client in the EU Commission infringement proceeding, alleging the national authorities have infringed the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Last update
10 July 2020